Our first house in El Laurel – A new home for the Díaz Ríos family

It is with great pleasure that we handed over the first house of our charity project “UNITED BY TOOLS: Helping Hands and German Tool Brands” in El Laurel, Ecuador, to the Díaz Ríos family. José Daniel, his wife Elsa, and their five children had previously lived in a tiny hut under harsh conditions. Thanks to UNITED BY TOOLS, the support of El Laurels and the many hard-working helpers on site, we were now able to offer them a cosy new home with three bedrooms and a living room.

Toiling as a day labourer in agriculture, José Daniel earns just enough to keep the family afloat. Aside from providing them with shelter from the elements, the new house also affords the family a hitherto unseen quality of life.

Teaming up with the Fundación Hermano Miguel, we poured our heart and soul into the project, ensuring that the family can now live safely and soundly. Now that the electrical system has been installed, the house is ready to give them a new start.

A big “Thank you” to everyone who helped! This is only the beginning – more houses will follow, and we will, of course, keep you posted on any new development.

Check back here regularly to learn more about the families and our project!

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