Achieving something great together: #unitedbytools – Our commitment in Ecuador

Under the hashtag #unitedbytools we at Halder, together with our partners Bessey, Stabila, Parat and Knipex, have worked on a project close to all our hearts. After months of intensive preparations, we are now starting to bring the project to life using our high quality tools. We are delighted to present you with the first advances and to continue to keep you up to date!

Collaboration for a sustainable future

In cooperation with the El Laurel e.V. association, we are devoting ourselves to the construction of six residential buildings in Ecuador. The association is committing to help the El Laurel municipality, in order to improve its infrastructure and educational opportunities, including the building of a health centre, a school and an orphanage. Our commitment in this project symbolises a small but decisive step in the sustainable improvement of the living conditions for around 20,000 inhabitants, spread over 31 villages and a surface area of 130 km².

The power of tools

#unitedbytools has a deeper significance: Tools are not merely a means to an end. They embody the power of cooperation, precision and the striving to achieve something positive. Thanks to the excellent quality of the tools from Knipex, Bessey, Stabila, Parat and Halder, we are ideally equipped for achieving our ambitious objectives.

The first successful steps

The first construction phases of our project are already showing impressive results. With the start of the onsite construction tasks, our visions are taking form. We are proud to be a part of this important project, and we look forward to informing you about further developments in the near future.

Visions for the future

This is just the start of our journey. Our principal objective is not only to build structures in bricks and mortar, but also to create real hope and new perspectives. With the untiring support of El Laurel e.V. and our partners, we are confident that we can achieve our objectives.

Gratitude and solidarity

Without the comprehensive support and commitment of numerous people involved, it would not be possible to implement a project of this significance. We are extremely grateful to all helpers and supporters, and we are proud to be part of the #unitedbytools initiative. Together we demonstrate the strength of collaboration.

Revisit us soon for current news and further impressions from El Laurel. We are strong together at #unitedbytools